Work Cited
Myers, David G. Exploring psychology. New York, NY: Worth, 2009.
Work Cited
Myers, David G. Exploring psychology. New York, NY: Worth, 2009.
I will be having someone teaching me how to sew I will pay close attention so it will stay in my short-term memory longer. Then when I go home I will be able to do it myself. I have various clothes that need sewing so I will have plenty of stuff to work on. Through this Rehearsal of sewing stuff together over and over again it will help this skill transfer into my long-term memory and stay there until I need to remember again. (Myers, 2009, pp. 258, 260-261, 308-309)
Since I ride as much as I can I feel that I will crash and rip my clothes. Since I have this new tool of sewing I will be able to fix the clothes I rip. Since I’m doing it over time it will help me recall it better. This is called the Spacing Effect when you learn stuff over time. (Myers, 2009, pp. 261)
Rehearsal and the Spacing Effect will most defiantly help me remember how to sew. Since I’m working with my own clothes that I want to keep using I will be very conscious of how well I’m sewing. The Spacing effect and Rehearsal are very good ways of Effortful Processing. Through Effortful processing I will learn how to sew and it will stay in my long term memory for a very long time.
Work Cited
Myers, David G. Exploring psychology. New York, NY: Worth, 2009.
I was inspired or influence or just want to copy this girl, Jess Kimura who is really good at snowboarding. In her newest video part it shows a shot of her sewing her flannel back together. I couldn’t get that video on here legal. I was able to find this video of her snowboarding. (It’s loud so be prepared) Now thats some observational learning! Monkey see, Monkey do and thats what Im gonna do!
Seymour Early Season from Jess Kimura on Vimeo.
As you can see if you watched the video she takes some pretty hard falls some times that might thrash her clothing. I fall pretty hard some times too that cause some rips and tear on my clothes. I want to learn how to sew so then I can fix my clothing so it will last longer. That is my goal. Thread and needles aren't that expensive so that will be easy to get. I think its really a do able goal since alot people have learn this skill so why cant I? I want to get this goal done before it starts snowing so then My clothes will be fixed for the following season. I know its a good goal because I will use this skill for the rest of my life once I learn it.
I really think my motivation for this is the incentives of once I learn this skill. I can now fix my clothes and still go about my way since I get really close to my clothes so I don't have to lose them no more to silly rips. An incentive is a positive stimulus that make people do the things they do.(Myers, 2009, pp. 339-372)
Works Cited
Kimura, Jess. "Seymour Early Season on Vimeo." Vimeo, Video Sharing For You. 12 Nov. 2009. 14 Sept. 2010
Myers, David G. Exploring psychology. New York, NY: Worth, 2011.