Monday, November 29, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010


coolbeans. from Critters on Vimeo.

Social Psychology

This isn’t really a good question but I was wondering how much normative social influences (Myers, 2009, pp. 534) affects me. But the little things that he hardly notice. Like how we act really different around different people with out even knowing it. The Normative social influence to me is where people have the need or strive to act in a certain way to get peoples thumbs up. For example I try really hard not to fart when I’m around girls but it happens any ways and it stinks. You might be having a really good conversation but then all of sudden this really bad smell comes out of no where and totally ruins the vibes. Then she goes and tell her friends that I smell bad so then they judge me way more when I go try to talk to them. That an example to me of Normative social influence (Myers,pp. 534). So then sometimes I’m like I don’t care. I don’t give heck! That then backs fires on me really bad some times because of informational social influence. I say heck I’m not going to follow the trend. Then I do stupid stuff like dress like I don’t care. I know there is nothing wrong dressing any way you want but I know there are times when you can do way off the deep end. Like wear short shorts with a triple xxl that covers your shorts so then you look naked. Yeah. That’s not good style. The style so crazy it’s past hipster. Yeah then your friends start not wanting to hang out with since you have bad style and then you tell like its not that bad but then you not wanting to accept that bad style you say I don’t care and just make a fool of your self until you figure it out. That’s informational social influence to me in a different nutshell.

I think a lot more people would be way more cool if they didn't have all of these things effecting them when they live life. There would most likely be way more goof balls running around or people who aren't really that social and just want to chill.

Works Cited

Myers, David G. Exploring psychology. New York, NY: Worth, 2009.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010

Sensations and Perceptions

If I had unlimited money I would do the experiment in outer space since that is way cooler than on earth. Also if it was in outer space it would be way more legit and respectable to the science world since I think almost every scientest wants to go to outer space. I would do the experiment with Relative Motion (Myers, 2009, pp. 209). Relative Motion is a Monocular Depth cue(Myers,pp. 208). A Monocular Depth cue is by the book is "depth cues, interposition and linear perspective, available to either eye alone." So from what I understand is that Monocular Cues help us see things. One of the depth cues that help is Relative Motion. Relative Motion is this really

So if you were to focus on the batteries it would seem if the shoe was moving but really its not at all.

So after thinking about this I realized that I couldn’t think of legit experiment with Monocular cues so I’m going to change it to perceptual sets. Perceptual sets (Myers, pp.) are where we hold a particular attitude about what we see. So for my experiment I’m going to still do it in space because that’s how much money I have. Then I would have people on the space ship walk to one end of it and then one at a time they would walk over to a desk and fill out a survey. Once they filled out the survey they would walk into a different room in the space ship and then asked if they say anything different. OKAY! Here’s the real catch of the experiment. When they turn in the forum the person would fill it away underneath the desk then a different person would stand up from behind the desk. This would test to see if they saw any thing different. So when they go into the other room I would simple ask them if they noticed any thing different while filling out the forum and turning it in. Then if they didn't notice I would tell them to feel stupid and to prove the point of perceptual set. For when the people which they would have different faces, shirt color, hair, and voice so then it would really mess with there heads. So I guess my experiment is just to say, "Hey got you!”

Works Cited

Myers, David G. Exploring psychology. New York, NY: Worth, 2009.

SuhAM720. "YouTube - Relative Motion (Monocular Vision Cue #6)." YouTube. 20 Apr. 2008. Web. 10 Nov. 2010.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Please ignore if you came looking for snowboarding

After Reading chapter 2 again I quickly check to see what needed to be done for blog post 2.2. After review the requirements I notice the connections with concept of reflexes (Myers, 2009, pp. 41) and real life. A reflex to me is when something happens to your body like your finger gets burned while lighting off fire works and it quickly jerks away from the flame before your mind even has a to think about it. On a quick side note fire works are extremely illegal in Utah. It costs about 500 dollars for every single firework you light off if you get caught. Now back to reflexes. By definition it is "A simple, automatic response to a sensory stimulus." so to put that statement in a real life example is when you hit your knee against something in a funny way and it twitches as an instant reaction. It is the muscle choosing to move all of sudden. It moves so fast that your brain doesn't know to tell your body that it is feeling something because the reflex only needs the spinal cord.

The second thing I notice that I couldn't relate to was split brain. That is also known as cutting the corpus callosum (Myers, 2009, pp. 57). They cut the corpus callosum because to help me under stand the basic of this I watch a short video.

After watching the video I saw that it must be better to most people to have that difference of not being able to remember certain stuff than to have seizers through out parts of there day. Its pretty interesting that some one who has the two hemispheres in his brain and still is able to live. Another thing I notice from the reading is that when there is a problem the left hemisphere will do the brainwork. If the right hemisphere is given an order like to dance it will dance. Then when asked why he is dancing the left hemisphere witch is unaware he is dancing will speak up a reason why he is instead of saying he doesn't know. Thus proving that the left hemisphere is an "interpreter".

Works Cited
Neuroslicer. "Split Brain Behavioral Experiments." YouTube. 18 Apr. 2007. Web. 03 Nov. 2010. .
Myers, David G. Exploring psychology. New York, NY: Worth, 2009.